WYSIWYG- Season's Greetings Montipora undata
WYSIWYG- Season's Greetings Montipora undata
The Seasons Greetings Montipora undata is a visually stunning and relatively easy-to-care-for coral that can add a burst of color and texture to your reef aquarium.
Color: The Seasons Greetings Montipora undata is known for its stunning coloration. It features a neon green base with striking red polyps, creating a festive and vibrant display in any reef aquarium.
Structure: This coral has a wavy, undulating growth pattern that resembles the folds of a ribbon. It forms plate-like structures that can grow and spread over the rock work in your aquarium, adding an interesting texture to the overall aquascape.
Aggressive: Montipora undata is relatively peaceful compared to some other corals, but it can still engage in some competition for space. It's essential to provide enough room for it to grow without interfering with neighboring corals.
2" piece on a small disc.
Light and Flow: It thrives under moderate to high lighting and prefers moderate to strong water flow, which helps to keep its surface free of debris and promotes healthy growth.
Feeding: Primarily photosynthetic, it can benefit from occasional feedings of small meaty foods, such as plankton or brine shrimp.
Placement: Provide ample space for its growth and ensure it has sufficient lighting and water flow.