WYSIWYG- Orange Oxide Zoanthid
WYSIWYG- Orange Oxide Zoanthid
The Orange Oxide Zoanthids are a vibrant and relatively easy-to-care-for coral that can add a burst of color and texture to your reef aquarium.
Color: Orange Oxide Zoanthids are known for their vibrant orange coloration, often featuring bright orange centers surrounded by contrasting rims in shades of black, brown, or purple. The combination of these colors creates a striking and eye-catching display in any reef aquarium.
Structure: Zoanthids grow in colonies, forming dense mats of individual polyps. Each polyp has a short stalk and a flat, disc-like top with tentacles arranged in a circular pattern around the center.
Non-aggressive: Zoanthids are relatively peaceful corals and can be placed close to other corals without causing harm. However, they can spread quickly and may compete for space.
Light and Flow: They thrive under moderate to high lighting and prefer moderate water flow, which helps to ensure proper nutrient exchange and keeps their surface clean.
Feeding: While primarily photosynthetic, Zoanthids benefit from occasional feedings of small meaty foods like brine shrimp or plankton. They can also absorb dissolved nutrients from the water.
Placement: Ensure they have enough space to grow and spread. They can be placed on rock work, where they can form colorful mats, or on frag plugs for propagation.
On a 1" plug.