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WYSIWYG- Green Galaxia

WYSIWYG- Green Galaxia

Regular price $30.00 USD
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The Green Galaxia (Galaxea fascicularis) is a striking and vibrant addition to any marine aquarium. Here are some key features and a description:


Color: Predominantly green, with shades ranging from bright neon to deep emerald. The polyps often have contrasting hues, such as purple or brown tips. These are Bright Green tips.

Structure: The coral has a branching skeletal structure with numerous polyps that give it a star-like appearance. The polyps extend during the day, creating a feathery and textured look.


Aggressive: The Galaxia Coral is known for its aggressive nature, using its long, stinging sweeper tentacles to defend its territory. These tentacles can reach several inches and may harm nearby corals.


Light and Flow: It thrives in moderate to high light conditions and prefers moderate water flow to ensure proper nutrient exchange.

Feeding: While primarily photosynthetic, it benefits from occasional feedings of small meaty foods like brine shrimp or plankton.

Placement: Due to its aggressive nature, it's important to place it with ample space between it and other corals to avoid conflicts.

The Green Galaxia Coral is a beautiful but demanding coral that requires careful placement and regular monitoring to thrive in a home aquarium.

1" Disc

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