Euphyllia corals, including Hammer corals, Torch corals, Frogspawn, and Octospawn, are fascinating Large Polyp Stoney (LPS) corals. Euphyllia typically have consistent appearances with most stoney corals. They are long, tubular or cylindrical in shape, with many "branches" extending upward toward the ocean's surface. The exoskeleton of these corals is composed of numerous polyps made of limestone or calcium carbonate. A unique feature of Euphyllia is that the identification of species is based to a large degree on the shape of the polyp and is not exclusively dependent on the skeleton. Euphyllia have sweeper tentacles that can sting nearby corals. Give them enough space, especially away from other coral. Interestingly, most Euphyllia won't sting other Euphyllia of similar types.
Bali mariculture corals sustainably grown in the ocean and further grown at CapitalCorals INC. Price per head. Hammers, torches, frogspawns, etc.